
About Me

"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain." ~Vivian Greene

This is my all-time favorite quote, and "dance in the rain" has even become my mantra when times are tough. And times were tough for me for a long time. I am a former journalist who changed careers and became an elementary teacher. I spent four years substituting while searching for my forever classroom, being passed over time and time again. It took me those four years to learn to "dance in the rain" despite not being able to find a job.

This last year I was lucky enough for "the storm to pass" and to land a teaching job in fourth grade ESL in an amazing school. My first year was as smooth as a first year could be, but I did encounter plenty of "storms," and I learned plenty of things along the way.

Since the world of education and teaching is filled with lots of "storms," "Learning to Teach in the Rain" will share the ways I solve those problems and "teach in the rain."

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